Monday, February 16, 2009

another one

please welcome.....

brian lincoln graves

born: february 15th, 10:30 am

delta, colorado

6 lb. 5 oz.

i can't believe we have five now
baby and mom are home and doing epidural this time...


The Carlson Crew said...

Amy and Scott:

We love your baby and his name! I'll take credit for his middle name and a good choice the day before President's Day! Your boys look so cute. Why is Adam sad? Can't wait to see you all.

Love, Mom and Chrissy

Cam and Chelle said...

What a darling family! Amy, you look amazing! Wouldn't it be great if we could all look that good after having a baby?! Congrats!! Miss you guys...

The Carlson Crew said...

Okay, this time it's really me. We are so excited to meet Brian...we'll have to find a time to make it out there. Good luck!

Skinners said...

Hooray! Congrats! Miss you guys. Hope all is well!

Diana said...

I am so happy for you. I guess Heavenly Father thinks you are a great mom of boys. Hope all is going well.

Diana Rotella

Lindsey said...

Congratulations!! It's been a while since we've heard from you! But looks like all is well!

Lindsey said...

Joseph just realized that you have a Joseph and a Devin going to be left out or is he #6?!!!! You do know it can be a boy, or girl name!!

Natalie said...

Hey guys! Congratulations! We miss you guys :( But hope life in Delta is treating you all well!

Tara said...

You're going to have to change the name of your blog! I've been thinking about you and am so happy to have found you! If you ever have time, my email is and my phone number is 970-402-9876. We're in Fort Collins, so not TOO far!


Tara Ledet-Rebman

Bri, Steph, Whit, Tay, James, Ben, Sam said...

I guess it's high-time we congratulate you for Baby Brian on your blog! Sorry we've been out of touch for so long. One reason is we don't have your new address. Brian has been meaning to get it, especially since we have a birth announcement of Benson that's been sitting here for 4+ months with your name on it! Will you please email us with your address? If you don't have Bri's email address, he's on Facebook. Hope all the boys (and Amy too) are great! Love you.